CIPC Residues Monitoring Group
for the UK potato industry
Chair: Adrian Cunnington Secretary: Andrew Curtis
- CIPC Residues Monitoring Group (CRMG) is a cross-industry body which has been set up by the UK potato industry to satisfy the data submission requirements of the Health & Safety Executive’s Chemical Regulation Division (CRD).
- They need us to measure chlorpropham (CIPC) residues in potatoes held in potato stores previously treated with CIPC.
- This is needed after CRD set a temporary Maximum Residue Level (tMRL) for CIPC of 0.35 mg/kg effective from 10 April 2024. The MRL will monitor residues for CIPC as it is no longer approved for use in the UK but residues remain in store.
- It is incumbent on everyone in the industry to ensure that the data requested are provided so that potato stores that were previously treated with CIPC can continue to be used safely. If the data are not supplied, all stores with a CIPC history are at risk of being taken out of use.
CMRG has already been given pan-industry support from the following organisations who have offered to sit on the Group: GB Potatoes, UK Potato Processors Association, Fresh Potato Suppliers Association, National Farmers Union, National Association of Agricultural Contractors (Postharvest Group), Certis Belchim B.V, UPL, CS Backhouse, Isle of Ely Produce, Potato Storage Insight and SA Consulting.

Now, the Group is seeking the co-operation of growers and suppliers from all production sectors to provide residue data from compliance sampling for over 120 potato stores annually to meet the CRD data requirement.
Any growers or store managers willing to supply CIPC residue data from crops held in stores with a CIPC history (note all data will be submitted anonymously), are asked to email or contact any CRMG Group member/ supply chain. A data submission form will then be issued to send in with a copy of your lab result. The Group will act in the interests of the whole of the UK potato industry to ensure that the data submitted meets the quantitative and qualitative standards expected by CRD with the aim of maintaining the new tMRL through its annual review process.

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